Level Up Insurance Training Through Video

Level Up Insurance Training Through Video

When was the last time you used YouTube to research a topic or find “how-to” instructions? If you are anything like the rest of the world, you most likely looked something up today.   

Video is quickly becoming the most common way Millennials and Gen Z consume information and the percentage rises exponentially every year. So why aren’t insurance agencies using it more often in the training and onboarding process?

Agencies spend a significant amount of time building workflow manuals and then saddle new employees with a binder full of paper detailing each step of the process.  However, using video tutorials for your agency workflows and processes is a significant value add as it not only saves time, but also provides digital, focused, repeatable and consistent information for the employee.  

Digital – New employees entering the industry are technology savvy.  They have grown up in a world of evolving technology at home and at school and are accustomed to video and online learning.

Focused – Video tutorials for workflows can be created on one process or one part of the process.   Instead of sifting through pages and pages of a workflow manual, an employee can select the exact process they need to learn and get to work.

Repeatable – Not everything makes sense the first time you learn it and the rest of the team does not necessarily have the time to repeat processes with the new hire.  Video tutorials give the new hire of going through a particular workflow as many times as needed.

Consistent – Every other member of the team might have a slightly different way of explaining how processes work.  This can create mixed messages and confusion for a new hire.  By documenting workflows in video, you can ensure that your new employee is getting the same set of information on every workflow every time.   

Tools like Loom and Wistia are a great way to create workflow process videos quickly and easily.  Before you know it, you will have a digital library of insurance training videos ready to go creating a massive benefit to new employees and team members in need of a refresher.  Utilizing video for training may initially seem a little unfamiliar, but provides a great way to enhances the employee training experience.